The Au Pair Platform for Host Families in Australia

Find your Au Pair or Host Family today!
All our services are free for Au Pairs.

5 Reasons for Premier Au Pair

Till Pape
Truely Australian

2,800 host families in Australia and 4,000 Au Pairs eligible for the Australian Working Holiday program!

Till Pape
Best Price

Focusing on the Australian market allows us to offer lower membership fees than global platforms.

Till Pape
Smart Matching

Based on your own profile our smart algorithms help you to find the perfect match quickly.

Till Pape
Personal Support

Questions about the au pair program? Working holiday visa? General advice or feedback? Chat with our team!

Till Pape
No Fake Profiles

All our profiles are regularly checked and verified by our team. Our promise - genuine profiles only!

Au Pair of the Week

Au Pair the week



“I love being an au pair because I feel comfortable around children and easily build strong connections with them. I enjoy getting to know them, playing with them, and creating a positive and supportive environment. I also believe I have a lot to offer in terms of guidance, care, and learning experiences.”

Full profile

Family of the Week

Family the week

The Taitt Family

Western Australia

“We have hosted 6 amazing au pairs who have each bought so much to our little world - generally trying to teach C how to count to 10 in their language, or other phrases from home. Or show her things they love to do at home. Our first au pair taught Charlotte how to cartwheel, the next bought her tap shoes and taught her the basics of tap dancing and our current au pair creates the most beautiful flower arrangements with her and showed her the craft of “shrinkies”- so much fun! We are looking for our 7th au pair and what personal favourite activity they can introduce C (our family) to.”

Full profile

Premier Au Pair vs. International Platforms vs. Facebook Groups

Au Pair
Search Profiles with Advanced Filters
Personalized Matching Score
Dedicated Customer Support
Comprehensive Background Checks
Legal & Visa Guidance
Secure Servers (Non-U.S.)

Families and Au Pairs about our Platform

Why choose Premier Au Pair?

Schwalger Family
For Families

Eligible Au Pair profiles: Au pair profiles from countries eligible for a working holiday visa in Australia only.

Our Current Top 10 Au Pair Countries: France, Germany, UK, Italy, USA, Sweden, Canada, Spain, Denmark.

No Fake Profiles: Genuine au pair candidates only, manually checked by our team.

Time Saving: Our smart algorithm matches your individual requirements with each profile.

Premium Support: Chat with our team and download our free sample au pair contract.

Free Registration: Full access to our au pair database before you decide which membership.

Simper Family
For au pairs

Free for Au Pairs: all services are free for au pairs, including personal chat support.

Genuine Profiles: All family profiles are checked manually by our team. No fake profiles.

Time Saving: Our smart algorith matches your personal profile with each family.

Personal Support: provided by our experienced team through our chat system.

Anonymous Communication: Safety first: your profile is visible to registered users only, unless you publish your personal secure link.